Corinthian Mark Lodge No1052.
25th February 2016
It was hard to tell what caused the early evening traffic jams in Liverpool on 25th February; was it Liverpool FC’s game or the meeting of Corinthian Mark Lodge, No1052?   Both had the same kick off time and Corinthian Mark were having a private visit from the Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master Brother Keith Alan Beardmore, whichever it was; those who attend the Mark meeting at Liverpool Masonic Hall got the best deal. The Provincial Grand Master was visiting Corinthian Mark to support the Provincial Grand Senior Warden, W.Bro Andrew Whittle who is secretary of the lodge.
IPM, Stewart Hyde; Bro. Chris Bruffell: WM W.Bro. David Crowley.
Bro. Chris Bruffell & PGM
Bro. Bruffell in the centre 
The Lodge was opened by the Worshipful Master, W.Bro David Crowley and after the salutations had been given; the members of the lodge balloted on two new members.  The ballot having proved in favour the Worshipful Master asked his IPM W.Bro Stewart Hyde to take the chair for the advancement ceremony of Bro Chris Bruffell. 
PGM giving a tip to Bro Bruffell," Always take your ritual book when you go visiting".
PGM wonders what he is going to wear tonight?
Chris Bruffell and PGM Keith Beardmore  share a private story.
With W.Bro. Hyde in the chair the Provincial Grand Director of Ceremonies, W.Bro David Emmerson acting as Senior Deacon, and everyone else in place the advancement began. The Provincial Grand Master; lodge members and visitors were treated to a first class ceremony by W.Bro. Hyde ably assisted by W.Bro Emmerson. The ceremony really flowed along and there was the usual humour and drama associated with the ‘Happy Degree’.  The most important thing was that Bro. Bruffell enjoyed his night.  
PGM putting everyone at ease.
Prov G.D.C David Emmerson and W.Bro Steve Walls Prov.A.G.D.C
prepare the WM David Crowley and RW PGM Keith Beardmore for more wine taking.
After the advancement W.Bro. Mike Winterbottom, PAGDC, the PGM’s Special Representative for the Liverpool Group presented Bro. Bruffell with a welcoming letter from the PGM. At the first rising the Provincial Grand Junior Warden, W.Bro. Tony Cross presented a Grand Lodge Certificate to Bro. Martin Farmer.
PGM toasts all.
PGM  with another entertaining response.
The festive board matched the ceremony for quality and there was plenty of good humour and fun to make it a thoroughly good night.  We wish Bro. Chris Bruffell a long and enjoyable time in Mark Masonry.
Words Derek Gaskell.  Photos Tony Cross.